What is NTP?
- NTP - Stands for Network Time Protocol.
- This allows the network devices to have their clock synchronized with the central Main clock.
- NTP gets its time form an authoritative time source usually a radio clock / an atomic clock attached to a time server.
- This helps to make sure that all the logs have the correct time stamp.
- NTP uses UDP on port 123.
What is NTP Stratum?
- NTP stratum refers to the distance between the Network device and the authoritative time source.
- Stratum has values between 0-16
- stratum 0 refers to the source clock which has little to no delay and cannot be used on the networks.
- Stratum 1 is the primary device that gets the time from stratum 0 using GPS or National time and frequency transmission.
- The further the stratum level goes the less the accuracy will be.
Lab: Configuring NTP server
Topology: NTP Lab – Set up the Packet tracer as above
Router(config)#hostname Router-1
Router-1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0
Router-1(config-if)#ip address
Router-1(config-if)#no shutdown
Configure the Server:
Assing the IP address on the Server.
Verify the IP address and Ping the Gateway
Enable the NTP service on the server:
- Click on the server Icon
- Click on services
- Click on NTP on the left side
- Click ‘ON” under NTP and set the date and time
//Configure the Router to get the Time from NTP server
Router-1(config)#NTP server
//Checking the clock after configuring the NTP server
Router-1#show clock
*11:34:29.882 UTC Sun Mar 25 2018
Router-1#show ntp status
Clock is synchronized, stratum 2, reference is
nominal freq is 250.0000 Hz, actual freq is 249.9990 Hz, precision is 2**19
reference time is DE3D2144.00000032 (11:49:24.050 UTC Sun Mar 25 2018)
clock offset is 0.00 msec, root delay is 0.00 msec
root dispersion is 0.02 msec, peer dispersion is 0.02 msec.
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